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Not worth the price and a cheap rip off of fears to fathom. Do not waste your money on this game.

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It seems on his YouTube channel multiple creators are accusing him of stealing their content for his game without permission.

Do you have an instagram i want to ask you some quastions


You just asked one


Nice game looking forward to play more of your games

it is not good but i like the fact that there are multiple henry johnsons for no reason

Those games remind me a lot of fears to fathom, I love it!!
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Overall good game definitely making a video on it there are some glitches like falling of the map when u get into a car crash in my opinion makes it funnier for content, also don't see the point in adding an alien if you don't really fight it or anything like that u just see it passing by that's it lol. but either then that for a  1$ its worth it


Its an okay-ish Game which has a LOT of elements from Fears to Fathom. I personally liked It but I questioned my self all the time If I was on a bad trip (literally) Wished It was longer tough.

the game logo and cover is straight copy of fears to fathom