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A very good plot, congratulations to all the creators of this game, I want the creators of this game to subscribe to my channel please, thank you, greetings from Spain!!


This is so good brooo keep it up

Very nice! This was definitely better than Lost in Darkness. I liked the style & the thrills. Still a mystery. I just wish i could turn off the retro filter. 

Great job, keep it up! Here is my playthrough

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cool game, i like this game so much, please make another game similar like this. 10/10
(1 edit)

Muchas gracias por compartir el juego, siempre tus juegos son sinónimo de calidad, este juego me ha encantado, la historia es buenísima y demuestra que tienes una imaginación brutal, has hecho un gran trabajo, te he dado 5 estrellas, saludos desde España.

Thank you very much for sharing the game, your games are always synonymous with quality, I loved this game, the story is great and shows that you have a brutal imagination, you have done a great job, I have given you 5 stars, greetings from Spain.

This game was something, and i liked the story. The most longest thrilling adventure i had. 


This was a good horror game that took a lot of interesting turns. Also that man never gave me any ice-cream or candy I'd like a refund :P

Really good! Surprisingly deep story, lots of things to make you theorize and question what's going on, good scares, good looking environments.

One game breaking bug I found: In the beginning when exiting the restroom as John (in the precinct), Opening the door clipped me through the wall and I was forced to restart. Also idk if there is meant to be a menu, but ESC wouldn't pull one up, so had to force close the game to restart.

Another small note: Some of the timings on the computer interactions could be a little smoother, they were just long enough in some cases to make me feel like it was not working or I was doing something wrong.

That being said though this was still great and worth anyone's time who is into this genre! 

Thanks for your comment and I will do my best to solve the issues.

thanks for playing

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It was a great game bro, I'm waiting for your new games

thanks for playing

Very nice game , will be another episode soon ? ty

sure !

Nice very good game I like it but the object it is a bit slow to show what to do next but still looks very good looking forward more you new game in future anyway well done keep it up!

Thanks for playing

I've played a lot of horror games in my life time and this one is deffo up there, loved this one a lot!! :)

thanks for playing

amazing...well do you use some assests for the characters or you made them? because i also want to use it if its the assest

thanks fort playing

Do you use any asset for 3d characters?.

I assume they have their own assets, because of the quality. Rarely do you see assets like that being up for purchase or download. 
By the way, I've seen some of your own work, impressive. Sadly didn't have time to play any of the games, but I hear a lot of praise from my friends, always recommending your games. Best of luck!

Pretty sure some of these assets are stolen, one of the characters is a model from Dark Deception... Agatha.

I would suggest doing a research before throwing accusations at someone. I didn't specifically know where the assets came from, but with a simple click and search I did find the monster girl asset and it is available for download under the Creative Commons, which is not stealing. Many assets are shared and used, not necessarily stolen, so in short, be aware of telling someone things like that, friendly advice.